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Heaps and Primary Queues



Till now we've seen data structures that let us search individual data items based on some kind of identifier (eg. a key, or a label). Let us move on to a use case where we'd need to keep track of the smallest item (or largest, or the "best" item, based on a specific metric) amongst a bunch of items. Primary Queues solve this problem.

Let's consider a scenario to explore this use case. Suppose we're monitoring a stream of tweets sent by a pool of users, and, at the end of each day, we need to create a report of the most M(M is a number) vicious tweets of that day. A naive approach to do this would be to create a list of tweets sent in a day; then sort the list in decreasing order of viciousness (using some sort of comparator), and finally return the first M tweets.

This approach will work; however, it potentially uses a large amount of memory (of the order Θ(N), where N is the number of tweets from a day). The goal for this exercise — and a motivation for priority queues — is to do the same using only Θ(M) memory. Let's see two approaches to solve this problem — the first being the naive approach described above; the second uses a primary queue — in pseudocode.

// Naive approach
- initialize allMessages as a list
- start streaming tweets at start of day
- on new tweet arrival
    - allMessages.add(newTweet)
- at end of day
    sort allTweets
- return allTweets.sublist(0,M)

// Using a primary queue
- intialize tweetsPQ as a primary queue (that tracks
least vicious tweet)
- start streaming tweets at start of day
- on new tweet arrival
    - tweetsPQ.add(newTweet)
    - if tweetsPQ.size() > M: tweetsPQ.removeSmallest()
- at end of day
    - initialize mostViciousTweets as a list
    - for (i=0; i<tweetsPQ.size(); i++): mostViciousTweets.add(tweetsPQ.removeSmallest())
- return mostViciousTweets

Using the second technique, we won't have to store all of the streaming tweets in memory, we'd only be storing (upto) M most vicious tweets at any point in time. Pretty cool! Also, as seen above, the key operations of a priority queue are:

  • pq.add()
  • pq.removeSmallest()

A few more operations that would make the priority queue data structure more useful:

  • pq.getSmallest() (getting the value of the smallest item, without removing it)
  • pq.size()

Underlying data structure

Let's consider options for the underlying data structure for implementing a priority queue. We could do it by using an ordered array or a bushy Binary Search Tree. Let's go through the worst case runtimes for both of them:

Ordered Array

  • add will take Θ(N) time, as the array will have to be ordered every time a new item is added.
  • getSmallest will take constant time, as it will always be the first element in the array.
  • removeSmallest will take Θ(N) time in the worst case, as the array will have to be resized.

Bushy BST

add operation corresponds to a normal insertion in a bushy BST. getSmallest and removeSmallest correspond to searching the tree for the smallest item (traverse left till a leaf is reached). All three will take Θ(log N) time in the worst case. But, dealing with duplicates in a BST is tricky, and a priority queue can have duplicates. This makes a BST a bad contender for this use case.

The worst case runtimes for these two data structures can be summarized as follows.

Operation Ordered Array Bushy BST
add Θ(N) Θ(log N)
getSmallest Θ(1) Θ(log N)
removeSmallest Θ(N) Θ(log N)

We need a specialized data structure that caters to the very specific needs of a priority queue.


Heaps are a great way to implement a priority queue. Specifically, let's take a look at a binary min-heap, a data structure that keeps track of the minimum element amongst the items added to it. A binary min-heap is a variant of a binary tree that has two additional properties:

  • Every node is less than or equal to both of its children (Min-heap property)
  • It is a complete binary tree, ie, it is missing items only at the bottom level (if any), and all nodes are as far left as possible.

The following three are valid binary min-heaps:

On the other hand, the following four are not binary min-heaps, due to the reasons mentioned below each tree.


As a consequence of the min-heap property, getting the value of the smallest item in the heap is very easy: it's always the value of the root node. As such, getSmallest has a runtime of Θ(1).


Adding an item to a heap is slightly more complicated; the complication arises from the fact that the resultant structure (after insertion) must be a min-heap itself. The following presentation describes the working of this operation.


Removing an item means changing the value of the root node in the tree. Since the resultant tree has to be a min-heap, we need to replace it with an appropriate element from the heap itself. The following presentation describes this operation.


Next, let's see how all of this is implemented. Instead of implementing a tree based data structure in the way we've seen before (using left and right references), we'll implement it using an array. The reason for doing so is that arrays lend themselves very nicely to the narrow set of operations of a min-heap tree, as we'll see soon.

The nodes of the tree will be ordered by level, starting at root, and, from left to right, as seen in the following image. We keep the first element in the array empty to make the math (as we'll see soon) a bit simpler.

Let's see how this array representation makes our lives simpler.

  • If we maintain a size variable, adding an item newItem to the tree is simply assigning array[size+1] = newItem.
  • We can find the parent of the node at index n at the index floor(n/2).
  • The left child of a node at index n is at index 2*n.
  • The right child of a node at index n is at index 2*n + 1.


As mentioned before getting the value of the smallest item in the heap is as simple as returning array[1].


We start by adding the new item to the array. We then make the item this item "swim up" to an appropriate position in the tree. The following video describes the implemention in more detail.



We start by copying the item at index 1 for further retrieval. The item at the last index is removed and it's contents are placed at index 1. We then make this item "swim down" the tree to an appropriate location. The following video describes the implemention in more detail.



Let's summarize the worst case runtimes of the operations of a min-heap and compare them to those of an ordered array and a bushy BST. add and removeSmallest will take Θ(logN) in the worst case (when we need to "swim up" and "swim down" the entire depth of the tree). This runtime is actually amortized since the underlying array will need to be resized occasionally. getSmallest will take Θ(1) time.

Operation Ordered Array Bushy BST Heap
add Θ(N) Θ(log N) Θ(log N)
getSmallest Θ(1) Θ(log N) Θ(1)
removeSmallest Θ(N) Θ(log N) Θ(log N)