Toggle Suggestions or Sources¶
Toggle suggestions for a file type¶
Under autoload/ft/markdown.vim
function! ft#markdown#ToggleCocSuggestions()
let b:coc_suggestions_turned_off = get(b:, 'coc_suggest_disable', 0)
if b:coc_suggestions_turned_off
let b:coc_suggest_disable = 0
let b:coc_suggest_disable = 1
This is disable all suggestions for markdown files.
Toggle specific sources¶
call CocAction('toggleSource', 'around')
call CocAction('toggleSource', 'file')
call CocAction('toggleSource', 'buffer')
This might be helpful when you're typing in a markdown file, and don't want suggestions to show up every now and then. Only snippet suggestions will show up.