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jq Slurp

jq -s : read (slurp) all inputs into an array; apply filter to it;

The following results in dict of dicts, what we want is the items in an array called items.

buku --np --nc -f 4 --stag alfred_workflows | \
    sed 1d | \
    jq -R -n -c 'inputs |split("\t") |{uid: ("buku-"+.[0]), title: .[2], subtitle: .[1], arg:(.[0] + "::" + .[1])}' | \
    jq '{items: .}'
  "items": {
    "uid": "buku-71",
    "title": "Authorization Guide | Spotify for Developers",
    "subtitle": "",
    "arg": "71::"
  "items": {
    "uid": "buku-72",
    "title": "Console | Spotify for Developers",
    "subtitle": "",
    "arg": "72::"
buku --np --nc -f 4 --stag alfred_workflows | \
    sed 1d | \
    jq -R -n -c 'inputs |split("\t") |{uid: ("buku-"+.[0]), title: .[2], subtitle: .[1], arg:(.[0] + "::" + .[1])}' | \
    jq -s '{items: .}'
  "items": [
      "uid": "buku-71",
      "title": "Authorization Guide | Spotify for Developers",
      "subtitle": "",
      "arg": "71::"
      "uid": "buku-72",
      "title": "Console | Spotify for Developers",
      "subtitle": "",
      "arg": "72::"