Twelve Life Areas¶
Alex breaks down his life into twelve different "buckets".
1: Values & Purpose¶
Your deeper, underlying, fundamental values and wants. Your philosophy of life. Your sense of purpose, vision, and meaning.
2: Contribution & Impact¶
How you give value to the world, make a difference, and have a positive impact.
3: Location & Tangibles¶
Your physical presence in the world. Where you are in the world. Your living situation. Your stuff. What you own and why. Your material sufficiency. Your mobility.
4: Money and finances¶
Your savings, investments, assets, and debt. How your money is organization and managed. Your inflows, budgets, and outflows.
5: Career & Work¶
Your work, job, career, and business. Your position, title, role, and responsibilities. Your source of income.
6: Health & Fitness¶
Your eating habits, diet, exercise habits, and activity levels. How resilient you are to sickness. Your overall energy level. Your sleeping patterns and quality. Your major health issues and susceptibilities.
7: Education & Skill Development¶
Your learning, education, and mental development. Your talents and skills. Your skill development, practicing, and training.
8: Social Life & Relationships¶
The intimate relationship(s) you have or want to have. The quality of your relationships. Your home life and relationships with family members. Your friend circles and social experiences. Your club, organization, and community memberships.
9: Emotions & Well-Being¶
Your general feeling about life, optimism or pessimism, positivity or negativity. Your emotional intelligence. Your subjective well-being, self-esteem, self-respect, and self-compassion.
10: Character and identify¶
Your identity and model of yourself. Your strengths and weaknesses, virtues and vices. Your intelligence, integrity, honesty, courage, compassion, honor, self-discipline, and so on.
11: Productivity & Organization¶
Your memorized solutions, daily routine, schedule, effectiveness, organization, and productivity. Your setup, systems, processes, tools, and techniques.
12: Adventure & Creativity¶
Your hobbies, pastimes, and things you do for fun and adventure. Your creativity and its expression.