Programming in Scala¶
Introductory book for scala.
Chapter Checklist¶
- 1 A Scalable Language
- 1.1 A language that grows on you
- 1.2 What makes Scala scalable?
- 1.3 Why Scala?
- 1.4 Scala’s roots
- 1.5 Conclusion
- 2 First Steps in Scala
- Step 1. Learn to use the Scala interpreter
- Step 2. Define some variables
- Step 3. Define some functions
- Step 4. Write some Scala scripts
- Step 5. Loop with while; decide with if
- Step 6. Iterate with foreach and for
- Conclusion
- 3 Next Steps in Scala
- Step 7. Parameterize arrays with types
- Step 8. Use lists
- Step 9. Use tuples
- Step 10. Use sets and maps
- Step 11. Learn to recognize the functional style
- Step 12. Read lines from a file
- Conclusion
- 4 Classes and Objects
- 4.1 Classes, fields, and methods
- 4.2 Semicolon inference
- 4.3 Singleton objects
- 4.4 A Scala application
- 4.5 The Application trait
- 4.6 Conclusion
- 5 Basic Types and Operations
- 5.1 Some basic types
- 5.2 Literals
- 5.3 Operators are methods
- 5.4 Arithmetic operations
- 5.5 Relational and logical operations
- 5.6 Bitwise operations
- 5.7 Object equality
- 5.8 Operator precedence and associativity
- 5.9 Rich wrappers
- 5.10 Conclusion
- 6 Functional Objects
- 6.1 A specification for class Rational
- 6.2 Constructing a Rational
- 6.3 Reimplementing the toString method
- 6.4 Checking preconditions
- 6.5 Adding fields
- 6.6 Self references
- 6.7 Auxiliary constructors
- 6.8 Private fields and methods
- 6.9 Defining operators
- 6.10 Identifiers in Scala
- 6.11 Method overloading
- 6.12 Implicit conversions
- 6.13 A word of caution
- 6.14 Conclusion
- 7 Built-in Control Structures
- 7.1 If expressions
- 7.2 While loops
- 7.3 For expressions
- 7.4 Exception handling with try expressions
- 7.5 Match expressions
- 7.6 Living without break and continue
- 7.7 Variable scope
- 7.8 Refactoring imperative-style code
- 7.9 Conclusion
- 8 Functions and Closures
- 8.1 Methods
- 8.2 Local functions
- 8.3 First-class functions
- 8.4 Short forms of function literals
- 8.5 Placeholder syntax
- 8.6 Partially applied functions
- 8.7 Closures
- 8.8 Repeated parameters
- 8.9 Tail recursion
- 8.10 Conclusion
- 9 Control Abstraction
- 9.1 Reducing code duplication
- 9.2 Simplifying client code
- 9.3 Currying
- 9.4 Writing new control structures
- 9.5 By-name parameters
- 9.6 Conclusion
- 10 Composition and Inheritance
- 10.1 A two-dimensional layout library
- 10.2 Abstract classes
- 10.3 Defining parameterless methods
- 10.4 Extending classes
- 10.5 Overriding methods and fields
- 10.6 Defining parametric fields
- 10.7 Invoking superclass constructors
- 10.8 Using override modifiers
- 10.9 Polymorphism and dynamic binding
- 10.10 Declaring final members
- 10.11 Using composition and inheritance
- 10.12 Implementing above, beside, and toString
- 10.13 Defining a factory object
- 10.14 Heighten and widen
- 10.15 Putting it all together
- 10.16 Conclusion
- 11 Scala’s Hierarchy
- 11.1 Scala’s class hierarchy
- 11.2 How primitives are implemented
- 11.3 Bottom types
- 11.4 Conclusion
- 12 Traits
- 12.1 How traits work
- 12.2 Thin versus rich interfaces
- 12.3 Example: Rectangular objects
- 12.4 The Ordered trait
- 12.5 Traits as stackable modifications
- 12.6 Why not multiple inheritance?
- 12.7 To trait, or not to trait?
- 12.8 Conclusion
- 13 Packages and Imports
- 13.1 Packages
- 13.2 Imports
- 13.3 Implicit imports
- 13.4 Access modifiers
- 13.5 Conclusion
- 14 Assertions and Unit Testing
- 14.1 Assertions
- 14.2 Unit testing in Scala
- 14.3 Informative failure reports
- 14.4 Using JUnit and TestNG
- 14.5 Tests as specifications
- 14.6 Property-based testing
- 14.7 Organizing and running tests
- 14.8 Conclusion
- 15 Case Classes and Pattern Matching
- 15.1 A simple example
- 15.2 Kinds of patterns
- 15.3 Pattern guards
- 15.4 Pattern overlaps
- 15.5 Sealed classes
- 15.6 The Option type
- 15.7 Patterns everywhere
- 15.8 A larger example
- 15.9 Conclusion
- 16 Working with Lists
- 16.1 List literals
- 16.2 The List type
- 16.3 Constructing lists
- 16.4 Basic operations on lists
- 16.5 List patterns
- 16.6 First-order methods on class List
- 16.7 Higher-order methods on class List
- 16.8 Methods of the List object
- 16.9 Understanding Scala’s type inference algorithm
- 16.10 Conclusion
- 17 Collections
- 17.1 Overview of the library
- 17.2 Sequences
- 17.3 Sets and maps
- 17.4 Selecting mutable versus immutable collections
- 17.5 Initializing collections
- 17.6 Tuples
- 17.7 Conclusion
- 18 Stateful Objects
- 18.1 What makes an object stateful?
- 18.2 Reassignable variables and properties
- 18.3 Case study: Discrete event simulation
- 18.4 A language for digital circuits
- 18.5 The Simulation API
- 18.6 Circuit Simulation
- 18.7 Conclusion
- 19 Type Parameterization
- 19.1 Functional queues
- 19.2 Information hiding
- 19.3 Variance annotations
- 19.4 Checking variance annotations
- 19.5 Lower bounds
- 19.6 Contravariance
- 19.7 Object private data
- 19.8 Upper bounds
- 19.9 Conclusion
- 20 Abstract Members
- 20.1 A quick tour of abstract members
- 20.2 Type members
- 20.3 Abstract vals
- 20.4 Abstract vars
- 20.5 Initializing abstract vals
- 20.6 Abstract types
- 20.7 Path-dependent types
- 20.8 Enumerations
- 20.9 Case study: Currencies
- 20.10 Conclusion
- 21 Implicit Conversions and Parameters
- 21.1 Implicit conversions
- 21.2 Rules for implicits
- 21.3 Implicit conversion to an expected type
- 21.4 Converting the receiver
- 21.5 Implicit parameters
- 21.6 View bounds
- 21.7 Debugging implicits
- 21.8 Conclusion
- 22 Implementing Lists
- 22.1 The List class in principle
- 22.2 The ListBuffer class
- 22.3 The List class in practice
- 22.4 Functional on the outside
- 22.5 Conclusion
- 23 For Expressions Revisited
- 23.1 For expressions
- 23.2 The n-queens problem
- 23.3 Querying with for expressions
- 23.4 Translation of for expressions
- 23.5 Going the other way
- 23.6 Generalizing for
- 23.7 Conclusion
- 24 Extractors
- 24.1 An example: Extracting email addresses
- 24.2 Extractors
- 24.3 Patterns with zero or one variables
- 24.4 Variable argument extractors
- 24.5 Extractors and sequence patterns
- 24.6 Extractors versus case classes
- 24.7 Regular expressions
- 24.8 Conclusion
- 25 Annotations
- 25.1 Why have annotations?
- 25.2 Syntax of annotations
- 25.3 Standard annotations
- 25.4 Conclusion
- 26 Working with XML
- 26.1 Semi-structured data
- 26.2 XML overview
- 26.3 XML literals
- 26.4 Serialization
- 26.5 Taking XML apart
- 26.6 Deserialization
- 26.7 Loading and saving
- 26.8 Pattern matching on XML
- 26.9 Conclusion
- 27 Modular Programming Using Objects
- 27.1 The problem
- 27.2 A recipe application
- 27.3 Abstraction
- 27.4 Splitting modules into traits
- 27.5 Runtime linking
- 27.6 Tracking module instances
- 27.7 Conclusion
- 28 Object Equality
- 28.1 Equality in Scala
- 28.2 Writing an equality method
- 28.3 Defining equality for parameterized types
- 28.4 Recipes for equals and hashCode
- 28.5 Conclusion
- 29 Combining Scala and Java
- 29.1 Using Scala from Java
- 29.2 Annotations
- 29.3 Existential types
- 29.4 Conclusion
- 30 Actors and Concurrency
- 30.1 Trouble in paradise
- 30.2 Actors and message passing
- 30.3 Treating native threads as actors
- 30.4 Better performance through thread reuse
- 30.5 Good actors style
- 30.6 A longer example: Parallel discrete event simulation
- 30.7 Conclusion
- 31 Combinator Parsing
- 31.1 Example: Arithmetic expressions
- 31.2 Running your parser
- 31.3 Basic regular expression parsers
- 31.4 Another example: JSON
- 31.5 Parser output
- 31.6 Implementing combinator parsers
- 31.7 String literals and regular expressions
- 31.8 Lexing and parsing
- 31.9 Error reporting
- 31.10 Backtracking versus LL(1)
- 31.11 Conclusion
- 32 GUI Programming
- 32.1 A first Swing application
- 32.2 Panels and layouts
- 32.3 Handling events
- 32.4 Example: Celsius/Fahrenheit converter
- 32.5 Conclusion
- 33 The SCells Spreadsheet
- 33.1 The visual framework
- 33.2 Disconnecting data entry and display
- 33.3 Formulas
- 33.4 Parsing formulas
- 33.5 Evaluation
- 33.6 Operation libraries
- 33.7 Change propagation
- 33.8 Conclusion