Ch 2: Writing Test Functions
Test if exception raised
# code to be tested
def add(task): # type: (Task) -> int
"""Add a task (a Task object) to the tasks database."""
if not isinstance(task, Task):
raise TypeError('task must be Task object')
# test
def test_add_raises():
"""add() should raise an exception with wrong type param."""
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
tasks.add(task='not a Task object')
Test exception message
# code to be tested
def start_tasks_db(db_path, db_type): # type: (str, str) -> None
"""Connect API functions to a db."""
if not isinstance(db_path, string_types):
raise TypeError('db_path must be a string')
global _tasksdb
if db_type == 'tiny':
import tasks.tasksdb_tinydb
_tasksdb = tasks.tasksdb_tinydb.start_tasks_db(db_path)
elif db_type == 'mongo':
import tasks.tasksdb_pymongo
_tasksdb = tasks.tasksdb_pymongo.start_tasks_db(db_path)
raise ValueError("db_type must be a 'tiny' or 'mongo'")
# test
def test_start_tasks_db_raises():
"""Make sure unsupported db raises an exception."""
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
tasks.start_tasks_db('some/great/path', 'mysql')
# code only wants "tinydb" or "mongo"
# will raise ValueError
exception_msg = excinfo.value.args[0]
assert exception_msg == "db_type must be a 'tiny' or 'mongo'"
# Mark a function as:
def some_func():
# Register the marks in pytest.ini
# Otherwise pytest will show warnings
markers =
# Use marks as follows (can be used with and, or, etc)
pytest -v -m 'smoke and get'
pytest -v -m 'smoke and not get'
@pytest.mark.skipif(tasks.__version__ < '0.2.0',
reason='not supported until version 0.2.0')
pytest -rs
# to see reasons for skipping
Running tests based on name
pytest -k _raises
pytest -k "_raises and not delete"
Send params directly
@pytest.mark.parametrize('summary, owner, done',
[('sleep', None, False),
('wake', 'brian', False),
('breathe', 'BRIAN', True),
('eat eggs', 'BrIaN', False),
def test_add_3(summary, owner, done):
"""Demonstrate parametrize with multiple parameters."""
task = Task(summary, owner, done)
task_id = tasks.add(task)
t_from_db = tasks.get(task_id)
assert equivalent(t_from_db, task)
Send params as a variable
tasks_to_try = (Task('sleep', done=True),
Task('wake', 'brian'),
Task('wake', 'brian'),
Task('breathe', 'BRIAN', True),
Task('exercise', 'BrIaN', False))
task_ids = ['Task({},{},{})'.format(t.summary, t.owner, t.done)
for t in tasks_to_try]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('task', tasks_to_try, ids=task_ids)
def test_add_5(task):
"""Demonstrate ids."""
task_id = tasks.add(task)
t_from_db = tasks.get(task_id)
assert equivalent(t_from_db, task)
Using pytest.param
@pytest.mark.parametrize('task', [
pytest.param(Task('create'), id='just summary'),
pytest.param(Task('inspire', 'Michelle'), id='summary/owner'),
pytest.param(Task('encourage', 'Michelle', True), id='summary/owner/done')])
def test_add_6(task):
"""Demonstrate pytest.param and id."""
task_id = tasks.add(task)
t_from_db = tasks.get(task_id)
assert equivalent(t_from_db, task)